A question of quarantine

I saw this on a blog that I follow called https://flippersandflatwhites.blog – I have tried to give it a canine theme.

Is he contemplating biting me yet?

How are you attempting to maintain sanity – Keeping my routine of bitey face, walks, food and napping in some semblance of order.

Are you quarantining with anyone – My parents and my vampire beagle brother.

Show & tell: show off anything and everything you’ve made/accomplished during quarantine – I have made some blogs on my site and I am working on helping my brother settle and feel more loved.

Favourite quarantine advice – “Don’t be a fanny, stay away from your granny”.

Last fur you peemailed – My brother. He almost walked underneath me whilst I was leaving the message.

Last fur who peemailed you – My brother.

Who is the last fur you barked with – A spaniel cross who wanted to go along the path we had travelled.

What are you most excited to do when it’s all over – Go further afield and show Lenny more of the countryside around here. Its lovely.

Do you have any quarantine goals – Eat all the gravy bones my parents have bought.

Most consumed snack or food – Gravy bones, marrow bone biscuits.

What substances are you using/abusing? – Gravy bones.

What has been the worst part of quarantine? – Not being able to go too far outside our house on our walks.

What has been the best part of quarantine? – Spending time with Lenny in a calmer environment around the house and garden

What is the meaning of life – Live. Love. Leave.

If you could go anywhere right now where would you go? – In the middle of Trafalgar Square in London and arooooo all my buddies to come and join me.

What is your daily average nap time –  Too scared to contemplate.

Last thing your parents purchased for you – Food. Not enough but at least it was something.

What are your most used apps & websites? – Twitter and WordPress

Last song you listened to? – Inside of love by Nada Surf

Best movie or tv show you watched recently – The Dog Whisperer, The Dog Father, For the Love of Dogs

Whats the last game you played – Bitey face with Lenny, about 20 minutes ago

Last google search – Gravy bones, they’ve still not ordered them.

Last youtube video you watched? – Danny MacAskill.

What do you miss most about life before the pandemic? – Being able to go out a lot more.

What is something new you’ve tried or done during this time? – Training with and without treats. Recall in the garden has improved.

Are you reading anything good? – The Five by Hallie Rubenhold.

What are you grateful for today? – My brother, my parents, my friends and my health.

Where was the last place you’ve gone to that isn’t home? – Pednor on a walk this morning. We saw rabbits.

What is something new you’ve learned during quarantine? – I can be calmer and Lenny looks to me for guidance. And that he loves me.

Most absurd/ridiculous thing you’ve done during quarantine? – Chased my brother every day around the garden.

A fear? – This virus goes on and on and we cant go outside and explore.

A wish? – To see as many of my friends as possible as soon as we are allowed.

Does anyone you know have/had the virus? – No, thankfully. I want it to stay that way too.

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Enjoying life in my forever home. Sharing my contentment with whoever will read my tales. I used to live in West Sussex, but I have now moved to Shropshire, UK.

6 thoughts on “A question of quarantine”

  1. Wow, you are wise for your ears my friend.
    Stay safe we will all arooo at the moon together when this is over to celebrate.
    Luff Tilly & Teddy xx

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